Category Archives: Global Development

What are the S.D.Gs?


With Christmas just around the corner and the end-of-year festivities commencing; the conclusion of this year also marks the end of the Millenium Development Goals, a framework implemented by the United Nations to guide countries in addressing issues of development worldwide. So wait, does that mean that all goals have been successfully completed? Does that mean there will be nothing on the development agenda for the years to come? The answer is a bit of both, yes and no.

Three out of eight goals have been accomplished.i.e The proportion of people living in extreme poverty has been halved, the spread of HIV/AIDS has been halted and reduced and a greater proportion of children have access to primary education.

As 2015 approaches, the Millennium Development Goals will now be replaced by the Sustainable Development Goals, which are widely supported by many as they are universally applicable and incorporates social, economic and environment factors in development; instead of just focusing on issues of poverty in developing countries. The United States, just like Ghana, will need to learn to live sustainably.

According to Professor Jeffrey Sachs, world-renowned professor of economics, leader in sustainable development, “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Bit of a mouthful, hey? That’s why we’ve attempted to channel our creative spirit in order to briefly explain what sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (Or S.D.Gs) are all about.

More than a decade ago,
our leaders met
eight goals were set
at the Millenium Summit
Education, poverty, hunger and HIV.
Sanitation, equality, water, child mortality.
With the deadline fast approaching in 2015.
Many are asking,
where will this lead?

That’s why we’re here to promote the SDGS.
They’re bigger and better and more interlinked.
These goals will help us build a better society.
By developing the economy,
while being inclusive socially,
as well as looking into environmental sustainability..
These will help us to maintain peace and security,
while also fighting against extreme poverty.
Sustainable development, that’s what it’s called.
Australia is involved as well as all countries abroad.
We all need to learn to about sustainability,
to promote gender equality as
well as using less energy.

This is how we achieve our SDGS,
by eradicating the poverty disparity,
improving rural productivity,
looking after the Earth’s biodiversity
so that we can build cities
where everyone can live,
side by side in harmony
because we are a global community.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to go out there and spread the news about SDGS by doing these three things.
1. Tweet about it so that the acronym “SDGs” becomes as well-known and frequently used as MDGS.
2. Teach yourself about the SDGs by undertaking this free, online course organised by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, “The Age of Sustainable Development”,
3. Try to live sustainably at home.