Causes and Issues


The Causes and Issues space educates young people about global affairs and social issues.


We seek to break the cycle of political spin and spiel that perpetuates disillusionment and disenchantment particularly amongst young people. At the same time, we reject the notion that young people are narcissistic and lazy; we believe young people have the power and will to make change. It is through challenging disillusionment and empowering young people through education that this power and can surface and create real social impact.

We encourage young people to contribute creatively and without bias in order to express themselves, explore world issues, and campaign for their causes. We encourage different forms of media like opinion pieces, artwork, music, video, and personal narratives.


  1. We believe in educating people in ways that move beyond ‘facts and stats’. Issues are not just about numbers; they are about people and experiences.
  2. We believe that exploring and documenting the issues facing other people, cultures, and countries, should not be done in a dehumanizing or degrading fashion. We do not believe in poverty porn or glamorizing trauma and conflict.
  3. We produce our own content and source information and news from credible media outlets. We ensure content provided is comprehensible, thought-out and researched.

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