Our Mission

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Social Catalysts is a community of young people who educates and mobilises others to inspire positive social change.

In short, we aim to educate young people about social issues and global affairs. We encourage pro-activism through engaging with our network of NGOs, NFPs, local groups and individual change-makers.


1. We seek to educate youth in world affairs by presenting our articles and opinion pieces in a concise yet comprehensive manner. We look beyond the “facts and stats” by humanising the issues and capturing the personal experiences and stories of individuals.

2. As a platform for youth activism, we aim to promote dialogue and facilitate interactions between those like-minded to build a community where individuals can learn their cause, get advice from others and be empowered to ignite change in their own communities.

3. We  connect young people to the various opportunities and events to our network of NGOS, NFPS, local groups and individual change-makers.

Whether it be protecting the environment, working towards eliminating poverty, human rights’ campaigning, or volunteering for fun, there is bound to be something you can do to  make change.

We learn. We connect. We act.

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