Poverty & Global Development

Organisation: Oaktree

Purpose: “Young people leading a movement to end poverty” through:
1. raising awareness about extreme poverty in Australia to educate and inspire;
2. fundraising to work with local organisations which directly tackle poverty oveseas; and
3. influencing policy change at the highest levels of the Australian Government.

About: Oaktree is an Australia-based non-government organisation that works to build community and political support for action on ending extreme poverty, and provides aid and development to countries in need across the Asia Pacific. Founded in 2003 and incorporatedin 2008, the organisation is run by young people aged 16 to 26, and overseen by an advisory board.

Internationally, Oaktree partners work with developing communities to support quality educational opportunities for young people, aged from 12 to 30 years. In Australia, Oaktree focuses on educating and training young people to be effective agents of change, as well as advocates for policy change through sustained, community-driven campaigns. The organisation claims to be Australia’s largest youth-run organisation.

Current campaigns and programs:

End Poverty Campaign
End Poverty Road trip
Live Below the Campaign
Community Leaders’ Boot camp

Website: http://www.oaktree.org/


Watch Oaktree: Who we are.

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